Hypnotherapy Services

Our Hypnotherapy Services in Lincoln combines other therapies into your programme. We deliver our services for Anxiety and Depression, Anger Management, Grief and Loss, Sleep Disorders, Smoking and Pain Control; we believe that the use of more than one theory can be relevant for our clients. Using Hypnotherapy with CBT for example can increase how CBT affects the mind. And there is science to back that up…

‘A meta-analysis was performed on 18 studies in which a cognitive-behavioural therapy was compared with the same therapy supplemented by hypnosis. The results indicated that the addition of hypnosis substantially enhanced treatment outcome, so that the average client receiving cognitive-behavioural hypnotherapy showed greater improvement than at least 70% of clients receiving non-hypnotic treatment. These results were particularly striking because of the few procedural differences between the hypnotic and non-hypnotic treatments’.

We also deliver treatment plans if you need more than one session. Hypnosis works best when you have the drive, determination and belief to succeed. To get started please look at some hypnosis techniques here.

Working with your therapist will help to outline your personal plan.

Specific Hypnotherapy Services

We provide Hypnotherapy in Lincoln for Addictions, Smoking, Anxiety, Weight Loss, Stress Reduction, Performance Enhancement, Phobias, Pain Reduction, Sleep and Skin Disorders; and Group Hypnosis for those who want a different experience of Hypnotherapy.

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Hypnotherapy Techniques

Free Self-Help Hypnotherapy Services

Relaxation Technique

Anxiety and stress relief

I’m wondering why therapists ask you to “make yourself comfortable” and provide a couch or a space to lay down? It’s more than a simple suggested courtesy. Relaxation is a common method used by therapists and a beginner hypnosis technique, laying down helps to begin the relaxation process. If you are relaxed, there is a bigger chance that you fall into trance, opening the unconscious mind to suggestion, thus more open to indirect suggestions too. This is a great technique for those suffering with anxiety or stress. Here are some common methods of relaxation:

  • Make yourself comfortable
  • Preferably somewhere calm
  • Lay down and just breath
  • Count 10 down to 1 in your head
  • Controlled breathing, into the stomach
  • Relax & tense muscles
  • Speak in a soft tone
  • Repeat

Body Scan

A popular technique for self-hypnosis. Starting with your eyes closed, scan down slowly from the scalp of your head, all the way down to your feet. Notice every vibration in your body – your breath expanding the ribcage and stomach, the weight of yourself, the air around your face, the temperature in and around your body, your feet on the ground. Repeat the process top to bottom, bottom to top. Continue the process until you feel you have relaxed enough.

Professional Idea: This technique can be paired with other hypnotherapy induction techniques such as countdown breathing and relaxation to increase the effectiveness.

Countdown Breathing

Controlled breathing is used for meditation, but can also be used as a form of self-hypnosis. Here’s how it works:

  • Close your eyes and sit upright in a chair, arms on your lap.
  • Breathe deep in through the nose into the stomach
  • Then out through the mouth.
  • Using slow controlled breaths, countdown from 100.
  • Each exhale counts as one interval.
  • At the end you may be in a trance. If not continue the exercise counting down from a higher number.
By completing this exercise helps to disengage the sympathetic nervous system.


Visualisation is a must have tool that can be used to both induce trance and to make indirect suggestions. For example, ask yourself to recall a room you know well and familiar with. Imagine the room in every detail: the door, patterns in the curtains, the mantle piece and fire place, the smell, the light, the carpet etc etc etc. Now, move onto a room you are less familiar with. As you struggle to recall the exact details your mind is more open to suggestion.

Professional Idea: Use visualisation to recall positive memories and associate them with a rewarding behaviour, or to change one’s perception of a negative image.

  • Positive images and experiences (with friends, as a child, school, wedding)
  • Reject negative images (maybe throw them in the bin or wash them down the sink)

“The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves.”


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